Interview with CyberSecurity Talent: Sai Wynn Myat

Cybersecurity/ Ethical Hacking/ Bounty Hunting have captured the hearts of young talents in Myanmar.  This month, YEHG is wholeheartedly proud to feature a young cybersecurity talent, Kyaw Sai Wynn Myat.


1) A bit about yourself.

My name is Sai Wynn Myat aka sailay. I'm currently work at Yoma Bank as a Security Specialist position. And also a student at Distance Education of Yadanabon University (History),Mandalay.  I've recently passed the OSCP.

2) What made you become obsessed with ethical hacking?

I'm interesting at doing threat model to offensive and defensive. I mean like as per adversary perspective, how can bypass defense techniques and on the other hand how to counter adversary's TTPs.
And another interesting things is about windows internals.

3) How did you practise ethical hacking?

Everything that I did till now is doing by selfstudy. When I want to know or interest at something , I focus on it and then ask,request or communicate with people who is admire person at that something. I've some experience with web/mobile application pentesting, wireless pentesting, vulnerability assessment, window/linux privilege escalation , play CTF and incident handling. And that all are doing by learning.

4) What is your ambition for the future?

I want to see the overall security of offensive and defensive. And I want to get a chance to work under people who I admire like ko kmninthant, ko ye yint, ko kaung htet , etc... , at least one time, I will be happy and proud for it. Currently, workly under ko kminthant and then I'm very happy and proud for it. I want to find out ZeroDay techniques (with own CVEs) deal with windows environment.

5) Tell us how anyone can admire your success and follow your life.

 Twitter:   @404death
 Github:  @sailay1996
 Facebook: @sailay1996v
 Linkedin: @sailay1996

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