Tool:: Ultimate Web Recon

UltimateWebRecon :: Download UltimateWebRecon :: Intro With the prevalence of frame-busting scripts or X-Frame-Options header, our web-based Recon page is likely to be unusable soon in the future. So, we've coded a small Windows-based application that does the same. UltimateWebRecon :: Minimum System Requirement - Microsoft .NET Framework 4+ UltimateWebRecon :: Database Update - Select Help > Update Database. UltimateWebRecon :: Program Update - The application should detect automatically at next launch after database update. UltimateWebRecon :: Database Structure The application uses an XML data file reconDb.xml which contains a list of common web resources that we use in our daily penetration testing projects. You can examine the file's XML tag and attribute structure to add your own favorite URLs u...